"WHO ELSE WANTS THE 'TOP EARNER' SECRETS TO ENROLL 10 - 20 IDEAL PROSPECTS A MONTH WITH THE NEWEST, FASTEST AI SYSTEM… Without Wasting Time, Effort, & Money On Funnels, Blogs, Emailing, Buying Leads, and Other Expensive Time-Wasters?"


Since we started working together last week, I've enrolled 3 new people into my business. I business builder and 2 customers. I'm loving this. Meeting new people every day. It's like fishing.

AI Roberts

I had a gentleman request my friendship at about 3:45 today and also asked about my making money on the internet post. I friended him and we had a conversation online. I told him that a quick chat would be good -so I called him and ended up giving him the links to my business. By 5pm...he was in! Your system is beautiful, Max!!

Andrea G Oppedisano

Max...I'm loving this..and having a ball. So far, I've added an additional 3 people to my business in addition to the original 3. So that makes 5 since i started again. All of them are internet marketers who weren't making money in their business. And I've got 5 more who will join after they come back from their vacation. The new ones are from Italy and the UK. This is sooo much fun!!

Andy Van Dyke

Max! I had my first success today using the Max Method! singed up an old friend from high school ($400 initial order) who I haven't seen in 30 years! Not only did we reconnect on a warm and personal level, she is so excited, she wants to work the system! Will be sending her to boot camp soon!

Berenice de la Salle

I can't believe this. After just calling myself an Entrepreneur on my profile I had 3 old friends call my brother to get my phone number. They all called me wanting to know what I was doing. I sold all three products. I love this.

Bob Tyler

Hey Max... It's working. It took me a week to get it. Another week to refine it and plant seeds. The 3rd week I began to see serious prospects. Plant and sow, Plant and sow. I love this. I just signed up 3 people last week and 42 of them came in with the $1300 package. This is so easy to duplicate.

Brent Bryson

Max almost half of the people I've signed up in my business came from using your methods. That's over 50 customers. Now it's time for me to get some business builders LOL

Carolyn Olson

Your training works if we do. I have a person joining today and another person who just wrote - 'I am ready Chuck, where do I go'. Your program does not require people to spend hundreds of hours learning how to 'do it'. Yours simply requires us to 'do it' talk to people. Simple is best!

Chuck Guyett

Max I've done this for years and still get amazed from time to time. My daily motivational post this morning got me talking to 1 of the top networkers in Europe, a helicopter pilot in NYC, a networker in Ottawa and an insurance broker in Florida before 9 am. 3/4 want to see my video. all before breakfast.

David Ledoux

Max, OMG. I just went to my convention in Chicago and used your scripts to recruit someone. I took them to the event with me and they have already used the scripts to enroll 2 people. The best part is that I used the scripts to get 15 people to come to my home for a meeting on Thursday, AND I'M JUST GETTING STARTED. At this rate, I'm sure I'll be at the top in 90 day. I love this.

Keonia Easley

Hey Max, I'm having an awesome time! Just signed up 3 people and have 5 more looking at the business this week and it's only Thursday. This is so much more fun!!! Thanks for all you teach and do, Max!

Glenn Andrew

I am currently using the Endless Free Leads. In the first night of starting conversations with people I set 5 appointments.

Jonathan L Saffer

I've been working with your method, practicing to get better at it. I've engaged with two complete strangers and going by the scripts. Both were shown my business and both wanted to enroll. One is a DOCTOR! Your method enabled me to approach him with ease. Also, I picked up another hypnosis client using it as well. I can't wait for the Top Earner Retreat! Thank you so much, Max, for all you do.

Joe Soriano, MS, CH

Thanks Max for your system! Once I got out of the way and used the system the way it's made to be used I have been getting people looking at my business every day. Talking with a 50K+ monthly mlm earner looking to get out of her company and into mine. Thanks your system it is truly the best.

Israel Anderson